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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Great Minds

Did I tell you all that I am visiting Sass on the 27th of May?


Oh well I am, mainly because she needs super big hugs and because I loves her [as a friend, even if she is scary and doesn't let me shop online].

I am getting some pacman biscuits when I get up there too.

Anywho, we are awesome. Swear that we must have the same brain or something.

How else would we have on the almost exact same clothes again?!

* Yes I have bed hair, so please excuse that.

Carly: I just need to make my box bigger so you can see me.
Sass: Oh wait, I should do that too.
Carly: Um, why? Hahahaha

** Some words may have been change due to my poor memory of words.

See you soon!

ps. If anyone wants to come to the zoo [yes, the zoo] with us you're more then welcome too!

1 comment:

Sass said...

Shut UP!!!!

I'm blonde! I cannot help it!!

Careful or NO ZOO FOR YOU!
